Members of the '25 Year Club' celebrating their years of service at Winnipeg-based Pollard Banknote Limited, one of this year's winners.

Introducing the employers that lead their peers in creating exceptional workplace policies and forward-thinking HR benefits.

Published Mar. 11, 2025
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About the competition

Now in its 19th year, Manitoba's Top Employers is an annual competition organized by the editors of Canada's Top Employers. This special designation recognizes employers in Manitoba that lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces. Each year, the project’s editors release detailed reasons for selection, explaining why each winner was chosen. This provides transparency in the selection process and allows other employers to discover and adopt best practices. Any employer, private or public sector, with its head office or principal place of business in Manitoba may apply to the competition. For more background on this year's competition, read the press release issued on March 11, 2025.