2009 Agenda |
7:30 — 8:30 am |
Registration & Continental Breakfast
Breakfast sponsored by Hoffman - La Roche
8:30 — 9:15 am

Opening Remarks from Conference Co-Chairs
This year’s conference marks the 10th anniversary of the Canada's Top 100 Employers project. To better explore the key themes of next year's competition, this year's conference is organized around the theme of "The Great Reset". The thread that runs though all of this year's sessions is that the economic events of the past two years have changed the landscape dramatically in terms of the relationship between Canadians and their employers. For the first time in generations, important aspects of the employment relationship are being questioned and there is a re-examination taking place of the government's role in that relationship. This year, our aim is for you to leave the conference with a clear idea which parts of the Top 100 competition are taking on increased prominence, as well as the subjects our editorial team will pass less attention to in the future. We promise a stimulating a thought-provoking two days.
9:15 — 10:15 am
Giving back to the Community: Knowledge & Responsibility
There are few actors in the world today who have lived the Hollywood life more than Mia Farrow. On-screen and off-screen, she has captivated the public imagination for her spectacular film successes, as well as the deeply personal setbacks of her private life. Yet through it all, Mia Farrow has remained true to her spirit and, at a stage in life when stars of her stature often recede from public view, she finds strength in giving a voice to the voiceless and hope to the people most in need. In an age when it has become trite to describe someone "giving back to the community", Mia Farrow is a living example of the strength and energy that all of us receive when we put our talents to use helping people who need our assistance most.
10:15 — 11:00 am |
Refreshment & Networking Break: "Taste the Canadian Autumn"
This break provides an opportunity to meet colleagues and organizers of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project. Features traditional pastries and refreshments with a fall flair, selected by the Fairmont Royal York’s
Executive Chef, David Garcelon.
Breakfast sponsored by enCompassing Visions
11:00 — 12:00 pm
The Great Reset: Understanding Last Year's Economic Collapse
The world has changed dramatically since August 2008, when the world's economy suffered its biggest decline since the 1929 stock market crash. The causes of last year's collapse have been extensively documented, but its long-term effects are much less understood. In a ground-breaking
interview this year in the Atlantic Magazine and subsequent essay, distinguished academic Professor Richard Florida offered the most insightful analysis yet of what is to come. According to Dr. Florida, the events of 2008 have set in motion "The Great Reset" and the consequences will be with us for generations to come. Increasingly, our economy will be driven by a "creative class" of employees who work differently and live in different places than has been the case in the past. Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear one of the world's most articulate public intellectuals share his insights on the challenges and opportunities all organizations face in these rapidly changing times.
12:00 — 1:15 pm
Special Luncheon Address: Immigration & Economic Growth in Canada
Immigration has aways played a central role in Canada's economic development, from the earliest days of our nation's settlement to recent times, when immigrants have become the economic lifeblood of many of our largest cities. The dream of a new life in Canada continues to exert a powerful attraction on people around the world, although often it's not easy for new Canadians to have their skills and academic qualifications recognized in this country. The
Government of Canada has made it a priority to change this and, in its last budget, devoted significant resources to helping both immigrants and employers in Canada overcome the difficulties involved in recognizing foreign qualifications. This special luncheon address provides an opportunity to join the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada to hear first-hand about the government's progress in this field and the new initiatives his department is working on to ensure that Canada keeps its promise to its newest citizens that their foreign academic qualifications and skills are recognized.
Luncheon sponsored by the Foreign Credentials Referral Office / Bureau d'orientation relatif aux titres de compétences étrangers of Citizenship and Immigration Canada
1:15 — 2:00 pm
How Employers Can Help: Two Immigrant Success Stories
In many of our large cities, immigration now accounts for almost 100% of the labour force growth. Astute employers are realizing that making it easier for immigrants to work in their organization isn't just the right thing to do -- it's also good business. Join two winners of this year's Best Employers for New Canadians competition for an executive overview of how their organizations improved recruitment and retention policies to make it easier for recent immigrants to feel at home in their workplaces.
- Peter Paul, Project Leader, ALLIES, The Maytree Foundation
- Jane Allen, Chief Diversity Officer, Deloitte
- Karen Hiltz, Manager Human Resources, Christie Digital Systems
- Zoran Veselic, VP, Visual Environments , Christie Digital Systems
2:00 — 2:30 pm |
Energizing Fitness Break & Mini-Ashtanga Session
Led by Ash Patel, an instructor at Toronto’s renowned Downward Dog yoga studio, ashram to the stars. Namasté!
Break sponsored by TE Wealth
2:30 — 3:30 pm

Engaging Talent in Tough Times: Insights from Canada’s Top Employers
What does it take to motivate talent in challenging times? Discover key variables that drive employee engagement, drawn from the latest Towers Perrin research, and results from the 'Top 100' Employers’ employee engagement pulse survey. Learn how Canada's best employers have nurtured engagement over the downturn, and what you can do to ensure that your employees are re-engaged for the economic recovery.
3:30 — 4:30 pm
Back to Basics on Corporate Pensions: The Great Reset, Part 2
The economic events of the past two years have called attention to employee retirement savings, and by inference, the role of employer-sponsored pension programs as part of the Canadian pension system. Employers who sponsor defined benefit pension plans have been put under significant financial pressure, and in response many have chosen to wind down or limit enrollment in these programs. But what has emerged to fill the void, and what will the next few years bring? After all, employers must still compete for talent and be considerate of what is on the minds of their employees. Faced with news stories bemoaning volatility in the financial markets, employees are sitting up to take notice of pension and retirement issues. In this session, learn how the pension landscape is shifting, and hear ideas on how to offer solutions that make pensions meaningful for employees once again. Questions & Answers will follow.
6:00 — 7:30 pm
Gala Reception, Fairmont Royal York Hotel
Special 10th Anniversary Top Employer Reception
Join CEOs and HR professionals from the 2010 Canada’s Top 100 Employers list, as well as winners of our regional and special-interest competitions, for a pleasant evening of complimentary drinks, hors d’oeuvres and live background music. This popular reception is the conference's main networking event, bringing together all the writers and organizers of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project plus editors, journalists and senior civil servants in the field. Open to all delegates attending the 2009 Top Employer Summit. There is no fee or separate charge to attend this reception.
- Special guest: Mia Farrow, Actress & Human Rights Activist
We would like to thank Ceridian Canada Ltd. for their important support of this reception once again this year.
Next Page: Day 2 » |